Re: How was the majordomo bug found ?

Evil Pete (
Fri, 10 Jun 1994 11:05:03 -0700

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>>From the developper's point of view, using system() or even popen() is a 
>single obvious line of C code, fork()/exec() combination needs about a dozen 
>of lines...
>>From the patches from Brent Chapman, it seems that majordomo was using 
>system() or popen()...

no offense Brent but any programmer worth a hill of beans will not use
system()/popen() especially on untrusted  data (eg: look how taintperl
handles such things).

years ago when I was searching for security problems to document
I did a `find /usr/src -name *.c -print | xargs egrep "system|popen`
and found a ton-o-ways.

>There should indeed be a FAQ about how to write 'secure programs'.

I have a document I wrote that talks of this, I will see about digging
it out.

here is a code sample (from the doc)  the I wrote to locate programs
from a path

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Content-Description: findp.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

/* find path to a file */
/* Peter M Shipley 1987 */
char *findp(name)
char *name;
char *path, *p;
struct stat statbuf;
static char buffy[MAXPATHLEN +1];

    /*  get path from environment */
    if( (path = getenv("PATH")) == NULL)
        path = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb";

    /* copy modifiable copy for strtok */
    path = strcpy(malloc(strlen(path) +1), path);

    /* parse the path */
    for(p = strtok(path, ":"); p != NULL ; p = strtok((char *) NULL, ":")) {

#ifdef SECURE
        /* path must be absolute, not writable by other, owned by root or bin */
        if ( *p != '/'
                || (stat(p, &statbuf) == -1)
                || (statbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)
                || (statbuf.st_uid != 0 && statbuf.st_uid != 3))
        /* assemble path */
        (void) strcpy(buffy, (*p == NULL ?  "." : p));
        (void) strcat(buffy, "/");
        (void) strcat(buffy, name);

        /* test for files existance */
        if (stat(buffy, &statbuf) == 0)
    } /* for each in path */

    return( ( p ? buffy : (char *) NULL) );

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While you are at it you might want to add the code:

    for (cpp = environ; cp = *cpp; /* void */) {
	    char  **xpp;
	    if(strncmp(cp, "LD_", 3) == 0) {
		for (xpp = cpp; xpp[0] = xpp[1]; xpp++);
	    } else {

somewhere before the fork/exec/system/popen is called.  or better yet
delete the entire environment and replace it with a new (static) one.

(note that Pyramid and Apollo systems have special data in there environment
and will have to be special cased so that they are preserved.)

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